API support | Züs Weekly Debrief (July 6, 2022)

Lori Bowers
October 31, 2022
News & Updates

Happy July! I hope everyone is having a good week so far. This week, the team continues its work on improving core blockchain stability to ensure the scalability of the network. Alongside this, the team continues its work on the tokenomics implementations for miners, sharders, and blobbers. The team has dedicated a major focus to API support to ensure full compatibility between the storage network and applications. As the network has become more stable with key issues being resolved, the team has focused on updating data feeds to front-end systems in anticipation of the launch of our various products and applications. Let’s take a look!

Development Team Updates

The blockchain team continued its work this week by closing 13 PRs and 7 issues on the Züs repo. Key PRs included the fix on a hidden issue that caused an error leading to sharders getting stuck. This issue would arise causing a “node not found” error resulting in the ultimate halting of sharder activities. The team spent several days debugging and locating the source of the issue. Alongside this fix, the team completed its work on the slow pruning process which would lead to the continual build-up of unnecessary data which wasted sharder resources and could cause the sharders to crash. Another bug was fixed that would cause a mismatched MPT state. With these issues resolved, the network is more robust and stable for the scaling of transactions.

API support

The team continues work on new and previously existing API support to ensure that data feeds are accurately conveying the appropriate information to be accessible by front-end systems. This is critical for our upcoming applications including our personalized storage app, wallet, blobber dashboard, and explorer. With this in mind, the team added a to_client_id filter for transaction API endpoints. The team refactored the pagination code that has been pushed over the past several weeks. This was done in an effort to make it a common package so that it can be used by all REST APIs.

During this time, the team also added pagination for all miner smart contract endpoints. API support for sharder /healthcheck endpoint was added. Previously, this endpoint was used by clients to see if a sharder was available. The new endpoint offers basic sharder info such as uptime, build tag, and the latest finalized block summary. A /validators endpoint was added which returns a list of validators with pagination.

The team also completed a few other PRs, including adding a user table for the event database, upgrading the Go version to 1.18 to enable the use of new features (such as Go generics and mutex.TryLock), implementing a free storage recipient check, fixing an unnecessary transaction rollback warning message, and removing the whopays feature.. The team is also nearing the completion of 2 PRs which are pending review. This includes the block management enhancement PR. In last week’s update, Sculptex went into detail on how this PR is future proofing the scalability of our network to enable sharders to safely expand storage capacity as the network grows. Further, work was performed to offer support for updating NFT allocations which will undergo review before merging

Blobber Updates

The Blobber and GoSDK team have closed 4 PRs, with their main focus being in collaboration with the blockchain team in removing the whopays feature and updating the /healthcheck API on GoSDK. The team members have been mainly working on Züs repo fixes as well as providing support for front-end teams to finish the final UI implementations on our various applications.

About Züs

Züs is a high-performance storage platform that powers limitless applications. It’s a new way to earn passive income from storage.

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