Introduction Today, data has become the world’s most valuable resource. A huge amount of data is generated every day, and storing it safely and securely is a significant challenge, especially when working with sensitive data like personal information and finance records.  As a step towards addressing this issue, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is […]

Introduction Data is the most important asset for the company, and the impact of data breaches and hacks can be devastating. In 2023, the average cost of a data breach globally reached an all-time high of $4.45 million. In the United States, the average cost of a data breach was the highest, reaching as high […]

Introduction From media files and documents to design files, any data that can be stored digitally and has some value to a business is called a digital asset. All of the company policies and decisions, like marketing, branding, outreach, and internal operations are typically contingent on its digital assets. Therefore, organizing and managing your assets […]

Dropbox vs Evernote vs Vult: The Ultimate Cloud Storage Comparison In today’s digital age, staying organized, having enough data storage, and being productive are top priority for many professionals. With the rise of cloud-based solutions, it’s easier than ever to access, store, and manage your files, notes, and projects from anywhere. But with so many […]

Over the last decade, cloud storage has remarkably evolved from a convenient alternative to an indispensable part of our digital infrastructure. It seamlessly integrates into how we manage and access data, providing substantial benefits across personal and professional realms. Remarkably, the benefits of cloud storage extend beyond individual use–nearly 60% of all corporate data is […]

We deal with a huge amount of data every day. From sharing media with friends and family to storing important business documents, an average internet user deals with around 2 to 10 GB of data daily. Whether you’re an individual or an organization, managing all your files privately and conveniently is critical. Cloud storage provides […]

In recent years, a growing number of organizations have opted for a multi-cloud strategy. They are moving away from relying on one cloud service provider. By doing so, they aim to break free from the constraints of one cloud provider. Thereby gaining greater flexibility and reducing their dependence on one provider. A key trend in […]

We share files on a daily basis, and it has become a necessity in our daily lives. The need to share files securely and efficiently is more important than ever. Be it collaborating on team projects or sharing large media files with friends and family, sending and receiving files through a secure and user friendly […]

In March 2021, music artist 3LAU made headlines by auctioning 33 audio-NFTs for $11.6 million USD. Each NFT owner could redeem it for an autographed vinyl and unreleased music. However, shortly after the auction, the NFT content became inaccessible online, raising concerns about its storage and discoverability. The implications of such occurrences are profound, especially […]

Overview of Cloud Object Storage Cloud object storage is a way of data storage architecture designed to efficiently manage vast amounts of unstructured data, which traditional file- and block-based systems can’t manage in any way. It treats data as discrete units, known as “objects,” that all have unique identifiers and metadata, making things simple to […]