Fixed Configuration, Limited Flexibility and No Ownership.
Data is vulnerable if a hacker breaches one server.
Users cannot customize storage allocation by location or number of servers.
Since AWS controls data access and security, a breach could leave enterprises without access to their data.
Cloud storage with higher availability and security than AWS S3.
Create data and parity configurations to suit your needs. Distributed server keys and individual client keys provide end-to-end data protection.
Select multiple datacenter providers by geolocation and performance. Add, remove, or change providers anytime.
Have a private cloud for better security and performance.
Reduce your data's carbon footprint.
1 Gbps
No Guarantee
Need AWS Keys
Up to 10 Gbps
Customer owns the key
Centralized architecture, data stored in owned and operated servers
Distributed architecture, data fragmented across servers with distributed keys in geolocation of choice
Centralized data storage, higher risk if a server is compromised
Single server breach impacts only one fragment, assuring data availability, integrity and performance
All servers owned and operated by AWS
Mix of providers, including user-owned servers
No option, centralized public cloud services
Options for public, private, and hybrid cloud setups