
Distributed Storage App on Züs

Chad Hanson
September 10, 2020

As 0Box (Renamed Vult) has officially made its BetaNet debut, we want to bring both longstanding and new community members up to speed on our revolutionary distributed storage app. In a world of frequent data breaches, changing data regulations, and large corporations profiting off user data, it’s time to return data ownership back to the user.

0ChainNet is built from scratch allowing for ultra-fast and scalable transactions. 0Box leverages the network to offer secure and transparent data storage through a distributed storage app. The 0Chain solution is simple: Give the consumer transparency and control of where their data is stored, accessed, and the validity of their data privacy, and then let them decide whether they would like to monetize such data. The consumer has a complete and transparent view of their data on 0Box via the 0Chain Blockchain. They can keep track of uploads to their folder and downloads from such. Some potential use cases for 0Box include the following:

Back-Up Private User Data

As an alternative to storage options such as DropBox, 0Box is targeting a large market for both the everyday user and enterprise user. DropBox currently has over 600M users with 14.6M opting for paid versions. There are over 400,000 DropBox Business teams and 97% of Fortune 500 Companies use the application with 56% using the paid version.

As the need for data storage continues to rise, users opt for both paid and non-paid versions. As seen below, DropBox continues to see an increase in the number of paid subscriptions each year. If 0Chain can successfully onboard free users, paid users will follow. Users can see exactly where their data is stored and accessed. This gives them the transparency that is often hidden by other storage platforms. Enterprises can use 0Chain’s technology as a business advantage to help increase data security, shift liability, and maintain GDPR/CCPA compliance. For this reason, 0Chain offers an appetizing product for individuals and enterprises alike.

Number of paying DropBox users from 2015 to 2019

When comparing 0Box and DropBox, the former allows for the private sharing of encrypted data it is a distributed storage app. This allows users and enterprises to choose who they want to share their data with. In turn, only that entity can access the data. 0Box allows for users to monitor the access and sharing of their data through the 0Chain Network, which keeps a permanent ledger of all transactions such as uploads and downloads. Both platforms allow for file and folder sharing as well as the option to upgrade allowing more data storage capacity.

Storing and Sharing Private Data

In today’s world, data moves quickly from individuals in the form of written, picture, audio, and video messages. As mentioned previously, 0Box allows for the private sharing of encrypted data. This is critical for storing and sharing private data such as health information, pictures, and other sensitive information.

The everyday user could leverage 0Box to send pictures and videos to specific friends. This is similar to Snapchat through 0Chain’s private sharing feature. Similar to apps like Whisper and YikYak, which heavily focus on anonymity, encrypted and anonymous sharing allows for the sharing of data without revealing any personal information.

While 0Box may be used for the aforementioned purposes, we anticipate that developers will build social media applications on top of our network due to the benefits that 0Chain has to offer, such as GDPR/CCPA compliance, data privacy and security, and content monetization.

0Box is Now Available on iOS and Android

You can now try 0Box the distributed storage app on all iOS and Android devices by downloading it from the App Store or Google Play storeREMINDER: As a part of BetaNet, it is important to remember that these files will not be permanently stored when we transition to MainNet. We encourage our community to try the app and leave feedback for the team on Telegram or Twitter.

As the first blockchain-based personal cloud, 0Box enables absolute transparency, privacy, and security. Users will be able to create an account without an email or login information. 0Box gives total ownership, control, and visibility of data to the user.

After downloading 0Box, you will be prompted on how to set up your account and use the app. Feel free to contact us as we would be happy to help you navigate problems you may run into.

About Züs

Züs is a high-performance storage platform that powers limitless applications. It’s a new way to earn passive income from storage.

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