
Live Stream Ownership with Decentralized Solutions

Rafeh Umair
February 20, 2023
Decentralized Cloud Storage
Live Stream Ownership with Decentralized Solutions
Live Stream Ownership with Decentralized Solutions

The rise of social media and the internet has fundamentally changed the way we consume and share information. Live streaming has become a popular way for individuals and organizations to connect with their audiences in real-time. However, current live streaming platforms are often plagued by issues such as gatekeeping, revenue sharing, and censorship. To solve these issues, Züs Network created a distributed live stream ownership that puts the control back into the hands of the content creators and their audiences.

Current Live Stream Limitations

Revenue Sharing

Platforms often take a cut of the revenue earned by content creators, which can be a significant source of income for those who rely on live streaming as their primary source of income. Züs’ live streaming service aims to allow content creators to keep all of the revenue they generate through their live streams. This will empower creators to monetize their content in new and innovative ways without the need for intrusive ads or revenue sharing with the platform.


Censorship is another major issue with current live streaming platforms. Platforms are often subject to government or corporate censorship, which can limit the spread of important information and restrict free speech. Züs’ distributed live streaming service aims to address this issue by providing a platform that is free from censorship and open to all. This will allow for the free exchange of ideas and the dissemination of important information without fear of censorship or repression.

Potential Application of Live Stream Ownership

Political Activism & Social Movements

One potential application of Züs’ distributed live streaming service is in the field of journalism. With traditional media outlets facing increasing pressure to censor or downplay certain stories, journalists are turning to live streaming as a way to report directly to their audiences. However, current live streaming platforms can limit the reach of these reports or even remove them entirely. Züs’ live streaming service would provide an open and accessible platform for journalists to report directly to their audiences without fear of censorship or interference.

Finally, Züs’ live streaming service could have a significant impact on political activism and social movements. In recent years, social media has played a major role in organizing and amplifying political protests and movements. However, current platforms are often subject to government or corporate censorship. Censorship can limit the spread of important information and restrict free speech. For this reason, Zus’ live stream ownership would provide an open and accessible platform for political activists and social movements to share their message and organize their communities without fear of censorship or repression.


In conclusion, Züs’ distributed live streaming service has the potential to revolutionize the way we share and consume live video content. By removing barriers to entry, empowering content creators to keep their revenue, and providing an open and accessible platform, Züs is putting ownership and control back into the hands of the people. Whether it is journalism, or political activism, Züs’ live streaming service has the potential to create a more free, open, and decentralized.

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